Strong-Hand Warm-up Drill
By Dr. Hal Wissel

Strong-Hand Warm-Up Drill

One-hand shooting, using either the strong hand or the weak hand, is an excellent way to develop your ability to start and complete a shot with your shooting hand facing the front of the rim. This helps eliminate side rotation. It also fosters lifting the ball to the basket rather than throwing the ball. This drill is particularly beneficial if your non-shooting hand tends to interfere with your shot (for example, if you thumb the ball with your non-shooting hand).
Start about nine feet from the basket with your shooting hand facing the front of the rim while keeping your elbow in as far as your flexibility allows. Your shooting hand is above your shoulder between your ear and shoulder. Use your non-shooting hand to place the ball in your shooting hand. Do not reach for the ball with your shooting hand. Now lower your non-shooting hand to your side. Balance the ball in your shooting hand with your index finger at the ball’s midpoint. Lift the ball to the basket rather than throw it. Consider using the key words “Down and Up!” You can also use your personalized key words in rhythm with your shot or when you are correcting your shot.

Strong-Hand Warm-up Drill

Weak-Hand Warm-up Drill  

Perform the drill in the same way as the Strong Hand Warm-up, but use your weak hand. When using your weak hand, you may have a tendency to shove the ball and miss toward the opposite side of the rim. Emphasize the down-and-up movement of your legs, which will help your range and ability to lift the ball straight to the basket. Consider using the key words “Down and Up!” You can also use your personalized key words in rhythm with your shot or when you are correcting your shot.

Weak-Hand Warm-up Drill

Edited from:
Wissel, H. (2011). BASKETBALL: Steps to Success. Third Edition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Wissel, Hal. (2005). Basketball Shooting: Confidence, Rhythm and Mechanics DVD. Basketball World, Suffield, CT.
Wissel, Hal. (2009). Basketball Shooting: Make Your Shot Automatic DVD. Basketball World, Suffield, CT.