One vs. Two Read and React Drill
By Hal Wissel    

     This is a good drill to develop good hands, and to also read the defense before scoring in the lane area. Three players and and a coach take part in this drill. One player starts in the middle in a balanced stance eight feet in front of the backboard. Two players take positions on either side of the middle player. The coach has a ball and stands four feet behind the backboard and drops the ball near one of the players. The players should compete to catch the ball that has been dropped. Catch the ball with two hands, and attempt to score against the two other players. The player with the ball must read and react to the two defensive players. It may mean using a shot fake and scoring with a power move. It may mean scoring quickly without a shot fake to score. It may mean a shot fake and crossover step before scoring with a hook shot. 

     An option to this drill is to tell the player who catches the ball to make a quick pass to one of the other players who must catch the quick pass and score against the other two players. Another option to the drill is for the coach to start in the lane behind the three players. The coach tosses it off the backboard with the players competing to rebound the ball with two hands. The player who succeeds in rebounding the ball then attempts to score against the other two players.

One vs. Two Read and React Drill